- V. Delage, G.Fichou, A. Patel. The geometry of locally bounded rational functions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.04232, 2024.
Avec comité de lecture
A. Patel. Algebraic approximation of Cohen-Macaulay algebras. J. Algebra 625: 66-81, 2023.
A. Patel. Finite determinacy and approximation of flat maps. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 151(1):201–213, 2023.
J. Adamus, A. Patel. Equisingular algebraic approximation of real and complex analytic germs. J. Singul. 20:289-310, 2020.
E. Chow, A. Patel. Fine-grained parallel incomplete LU factorization. SIAM journal on Scientific Computing 37.2: C169–C193, 2015.
X. Liu, A. Patel, and E. Chow. A new scalable parallel algorithm for Fock matrix construction. IEEE 28th international parallel and distributed processing symposium (IPDPS), 2014.
Les rapports techniques
- A. Patel, E. Boman, S. Rajamanickam, E. Chow. Cross Platform Fine Grained ILU and ILDL Factorizations Using Kokkos. Center for Computing Research Summer Proceedings (2015), A.M. Bradley and M.L. Parks, eds., Technical Report SAND2016-0830R, Sandia National Laboratories, pp. 159-177, 2015