
  1. V. Delage, G.Fichou, A. Patel. The geometry of locally bounded rational functions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.04232, 2024.

Avec comité de lecture

  1. A. Patel. Algebraic approximation of Cohen-Macaulay algebras. J. Algebra 625: 66-81, 2023.

  2. A. Patel. Finite determinacy and approximation of flat maps. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 151(1):201–213, 2023.

  3. J. Adamus, A. Patel. Equisingular algebraic approximation of real and complex analytic germs. J. Singul. 20:289-310, 2020.

  4. E. Chow, A. Patel. Fine-grained parallel incomplete LU factorization. SIAM journal on Scientific Computing 37.2: C169–C193, 2015.

  5. X. Liu, A. Patel, and E. Chow. A new scalable parallel algorithm for Fock matrix construction. IEEE 28th international parallel and distributed processing symposium (IPDPS), 2014.

Les rapports techniques

  1. A. Patel, E. Boman, S. Rajamanickam, E. Chow. Cross Platform Fine Grained ILU and ILDL Factorizations Using Kokkos. Center for Computing Research Summer Proceedings (2015), A.M. Bradley and M.L. Parks, eds., Technical Report SAND2016-0830R, Sandia National Laboratories, pp. 159-177, 2015